28 abr 2011

Cocolon's Affair

One day, the king of Spain died. The queen felt a huge pain. And she woke up looking for a way to be recognized until her final breathe. So she started to think about a great idea that all the continent of Europe remember. She searched in all the places of the village and the last day of search, she found Cocolon in a jail. Cocolon was in jail because he tried to steal underwear. When the queen saw that he was a good person she set the prisoners free and they went to discover new things in the world. In the ship Cocolon had an affair with the Sun God, in 3 weeks there were born his twins. Atahualpa and Rumiñahui, the most handsome brothers among the seas. They stayed there one year and 363 days when they listened the scream of Faustino: "I see land". The landscape was shiny and colorful. When they arrived, they began a new history through the mountains called 'Ancora Town'. While Cocolon was searching wood, the natives kidnapped the queen and his sons....

21 years of search have passed, when the Sun God saw the queen.....

To be continued...

Humid Dream

One day at night I was walking to my house that was between two mountains next to the river. My house is colorful and it shines with the sun. When I arrived home I saw a huge and dark monster, it had a star body. I began to fight using my great sword against the monster. I almost die. Then I discovered that the monster was looking for a book about trains. I woke up and everithing was unreal and my bed wasn't dry. I was scared because the night was spooky and windy. I saw a number on my arm. People think it means Apocalipsis. The wound was deep. I had a gun that I used to kill animals. I put it in my mouth but I saw a toy set by my son. I went to take it and I decide to live.

I woke up again and I saw my son sat on a high tree and that was the final of my story...

Criminal Love

Once upon a time a mouse called Cami used to live in a mountine in a colorful house, it began a great book that shined in the night. One day she discovered great people on the river. Cami went in the train on the night to the library. In the library Cami met with the people that discovered in the river and they read a book of the nature and saw a dead bird on one page and they got sad. In the library she found a dark room.

Cami went across this room and she lookes a shiny star. She found a number in the star. It was spooky because everything was unreal. There were high stairs. Cami saw a shadow of something like a body. It was huge. She thought "Oh my god! What´s that?"In a dry desert there was a deep hole and Cami was looking for water and food to survive. Then, another mouse called Pocho helped her to go to a huge river that was near the desert, they became good friends because everyday both of them talked about their lives and they realized that they had a lot in common, later they falt in love and got married, finally Cami killed Pocho because she was hungry and he was chubby.

24 abr 2011

In the beach

In the beach, one person was in the ocean looking at the stars in the most distant space. This person was a millionaire, a movie star. She lived in Paris next to the Eiffel Tower. She was married to a tennis player. They met on a cruise the night of October 29th, when the two of them traveled to Paris.

Paul walked up the Eiffel tower and asked her marriage just at the moment when a shooting star was passing by and the moon was full.

They got married on December 24th, the birth day of Jesus. The snow accompanied them with peace and serenity. They had children and lived happyly ever after!

22 abr 2011

The Pink Ribbon

And suddenly, Alberto woke up in the middle of the room, asking himself what he had done of his life, what he has been wrong and what he has been right at... Meanwhile, Bernarda was washing the clothes, listening a hit from the 80´s and sinking into the melancholy of a decision rooted in the obligation.

Alberto understood that he had been living inside a lie, a lie that had lasted 27 years, in which false kisses, petting condemned to oblivion and a wildness out of meaningless pleasure but not of love, were born. He had his heart empty and his soul desolated, without a shoulder where he could cry on, and without a space to live in, and thus, he understood that it isn´t the same to get wrong in a thing, than in a wife...

21 abr 2011

Somewhere over the rainbow

Each song can mean so much to us. It can make us feel better or simply think in problems or things that affect us. Each song has something: an essence that can change our day and can change the meaning of the pain.

I like this song because it makes me think on many things and also in the possibility that every dream can come true. One should put a bit of enthusiasm an love in everything that we do, when we do this, the work is successfull.

Each dream is something that makes our life interesting but sometimes we find it hard to reach. If we keep fighting, we could make it real.

A part of the song says:
"somewhere over the rainbow
bluebirds fly and the dreams that you dream
real dreams become reality
ever want in a star wake up where the clouds are far
below somewhere troubles melt like lemon drops"

I like this part because you have two options in life: follow your dreams or stop dreaming because one of your dreams didn't become true.

To reach our dreams, we must put force and heart in the way. Each dream for me is a new story that can be a reality only at an unexpected time and it all depends on us. So, my dream is a new opportunity to risk having a new feeling or a new way of looking at everything around us. To me, every dream is a sign that God sends us to see that we can change our lives and that we can try new things, new feelings, new goals and much more.

Dont forget to dream. Even in little things, because the little things can be the most beautiful things and can change our existence.

18 abr 2011

House (music)

The house music is a style of electronic music that was originated in Chicago, United States, in the early 80’s, beginning in the clubs all around the world, first in Chicago and New York. Then, the rhythm reached Europe before becoming a phenomenon with a dominant influence in other musical styles as pop.

The common element of the house music is the use of a kick drum in each time of the compass. This pattern is usually generated by a sampler. The producers of house use a variety of music sources to shape the sound that is listened. All the lines are produced by generators of electronically synthesized sound.

So, the house music is influenced by the funk variants of disco music. It generally imitates the percussion on the disc; especially the use of a prominent kick drum in each time. This style currently is the most famous in all the clubs in the world

16 abr 2011

Tim Burton

Tim Burton is my favorite film director, not only because of his movies but also because of their strange sense. Tim Burton is a person who introduces in his films never seen before worlds in which there are surreal characters. His fantasy worlds are related to the Gothic world and its darkness but, in a strange way, they show the beautiful part of life. His characters are mostly inadequate and strange people because each one has something that makes it different and rare.

Tim Burton’s films, in my opinion, are useful to see that we can find some of the light and the joy of life in the dark side; and not just because things are bad, it means that everything is lost. On the contrary, it makes us notice what we are wrong at and thus, we can do something to change the situation.

One example is the film ‘9’. This film is based on a war. Before the war started, there was a scientist who built 9 rag dolls in which he put a small part of his soul. When he did that, the human kind had already disappeared and they were the only ‘humans’ that remained. But all the dolls are very pessimistic and very coward to face the machine that destroyed human kind. That's where the main character enters: the number 9 doll. He had a different way of looking at life and he changes the darkness of the earth into happiness and light.

Simply love

Once upon a time, there was a little town, where a beautiful girl lived. Her name was Laura. She used to work in a little hotel in order to help her family. There, she met Juan and soon she realized that he was her only love. But it came the time for him to leave because he had obligations in Argentina. She was so sad that she stopped believing in happiness. One month later, Juan arrived to the town and Laura learned:

If you believe in something, your entire dreams can come true and love can find its way home...

Written by: Mechurita!

15 abr 2011


Love is a feeling, so strong, that can overcomes any obstacle that is in its way when this is reciprocal and true. Because of this, it is beautiful.

Life wouldn't be life if there hasn't been love. This beautiful feeling is responsible for giving us happiness, peace, hope, removes the rancor and gives meaning to our lives.

You don't have to rush looking for your true love; it will appear in the most unexpected moment.

14 abr 2011

A "serracosteño" love

In the latest 20´s, there was a couple full of love, separated each other by a state border. They were Matilde de Cevallos and Clemencio Martinez. She was a wellborn coastern lady and he was a highlander peasant, tied to the ideology of better world, united by a single look until almost fell the same beat...

During 42 months, they sent each other the same number of poetic letters through the warm breeze of the marine streams. Once they were free and independent, they joined their souls in a eternal comunion. And thus, this "serracosteño" feeling survived and the lived happily ever after.

13 abr 2011

A message in the night

There was a cold and spooky night in that house. A man called Carlinho lived in a mountain. That night, the moon was full and he saw his mother's face in the moon. She died in the same house and she became more than her mother and friend, his angel... That day he had a dream about his mother because Carlinho felt a heart beat from his mother's grave. Maybe it was her voice calling him out in order to give him a message: in the stars light, he cuould read: 'I will always love you, my son!!'.

The answer

In her birthday, I asked to my grandmother: How to live so long?

She told me: Once upon a time, there was a man that took care of all his movements. He never laughed cuz he was worried about wrinkles. He'd never had neither a girlfriend and nor friends: he thought that they were a danger. One day he died because of a tramp with a stair.

So the question would be: How to live well? And my answer would be: it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality.

Today, I am 90 years old and still smile, it isn’t difficult.

Written by: assapora

12 abr 2011


Many years ago, in a little world, there was a family with a guy that had a very crazy life because everyday after the high school, he went out with his friends to drink beer and went back all the nights to his house. Once, his mother found him drunk in the street over the ground. Since that day, his mother lost the trust on him so, he always stayed at home, playing in his room, sleeping and recovering his mother´s trust. He learnt a lesson: going out with his friends everyday and drinking everyday was bad for his health.


In the jungle, the guerrilla attacked a petroleum platform. Jose was the only one who was kidnapped, the rest was killed. The guerrilla made cocaine with the taxes and the oppressive president, Guillermo, got all money. Jose saw this and the guerrilla people didn´t give him food. One day , he run away with a box of cocaine, it was the evidence of their felonies: the key to open the door to a new country. He went through many adventures and problems but after he got to the city and the media denounced those people, they turned him into a hero.

Dark coffee

Once upon a time there was a mouse called Jackie. This mouse was very very little. One day, Jackie was in its house when its best friend Danny knocked its door. Danny was a squirrel that had a boyfriend called Sebastian, it was a beaver. So, Jackie came out and saw its best friend with its boyfriend and she was invited to enter to the house. Jackie made a very dark coffee and gave it to Danny. When Danny drank the coffee, it dead at the moment because it was allergic to the coffee, so Sebastian and Jackie remained crying...

10 abr 2011


Once upon a time in a colorful forest, there was a little village. An elf lived in this village. Everyday he used to see the sky and he wanted to fly far far away, across the ocean, across the mountains. He was sad because he couldn't fly like the birds and the butterflies. One day he made wings and he went to a mountain. He was scared but excited. The sky was beautiful and he jumped over the forest, from the top of that mountain. His wings broke and he fell down. The people in the village saw his death...


Andrés is a sixteen years old kid. He is responsible and honest. He has a low self-stime. It is harmful for his life because he is surrounded by many people that have an opposite way of thinking. He was beginning to change. He wanted to be similar to his classmates. He met Jessicca, a girl that understood him. They were falling in love. They thought that their love was meant to be forever. He believed that Jessica was his first love, but then she ended all,
Andrés heart was broken. He never ever will be able to believe in love.