30 may 2011

Girls and Soccer

Soccer isn't only for boys.
Soccer is life. It is like the other sports. Anyone can play it. But not all the people think so.

Some people say"Soccer isn't for girls" But I ask myself, Why not? Why a little girl must play with Barbies but she can't play soccer? Why until 5 or 6 years ago the school had only soccer and a coach for the boys?

In the society it's hard for a woman to play it. An example : I had a fracture in my finger I went to the doctor and he asked "How it happened" I answered that I was playing soccer. I didn't finish my sentences when he said "Oh God! Soccer isn't for girls!" It was like an insult for me. And it came the question, Why not?

Some girls don't play soccer because her parents don't want them to. Telling that t is only for boys or man is a discrimination. Humans can do everyting we want.

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