26 may 2011

Where is the love?

Many times we ask ourselves where we hide this feeling, here, there are some places where you can search it.

But first...What is LOVE?..... only a feeling... a complication, maybe a thing full of pain or full of beauty. It depends on each person and the size of the heart.

Love can be in the place where you will never know or wait, maybe in a coffee, pherhaps in a chair or in an auditorioum, just don't search it with much intensity, and it will appear.

If you has found this ' crazy thing called love', dont let it down, dont let it linger in bad state, because everything that easy comes... easy goes.

1 comentario:

  1. ;) well said Sebuzz..

    Love arrives in the most unexpected moment and places.. with any anticipation.. it just.. happens ;)

    ...when we don't look for it.
